November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

Kendall had a great Halloween weekend this year! It was a great start to what will be many wonderful Halloweens to come!

We started the weekend with a Baby Halloween Costume Party, hosted by my mom's group. There were a TON of people there! It was nice to see the babies all dressed up and to even meet some new babies that we had never met before. Kendall een won a prize for one of the cutest baby costumes! And, to top it off, I even got Dan to dress up. Here's Tiger Woods and his little lady:

To complete the couples costume, I went as Elin Woods:

On Halloween night, we had a bunch of people over at our house and even did a bit of trick or treating. Gram and Dude, Aunt Jessica and Uncle Sean, as well as my friend Elizabeth and her family all joined us! Kendall seemed to like all of the decorations and people that were out trick or treating! Sadly I have no good pictures from that night. We did take some of her with the pumpkins though!

Kendall soon realized that the pumpkins' tops came off...

...and that pumpkin didn't taste too bad...

1 comment:

  1. She's adorable!!! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.
