October 19, 2010

I'm 9 Months Old!

Kendall turned 9 months old on October 6th! I suppose this is more of a 9 1/2 month post since I'm late, but not too much has changed since Kendall hit the 9 month mark, so this update wouldn't have been much different if I had posted 2 weeks ago.

As you can see from the above picture, it's hard to get this girl to sit still. She's crawling everywhere and she wants to play and investigate EVERYTHING. If you open a door or cabinet, she's right there to see what new things she can get into. We've done some baby proofing in our house, but I need to do a lot more ASAP. Rolling around on Lani's dog beds has become a favorite activity. Books are also one of her favorite things. She loves to be read to and loves to flip the pages.

In addition to crawling, Kendall is now kneeling and pulling herself to stand. She does this with ease and doesn't need a whole lot of support. She still loves music and is bopping and dancing to the beat of many commercials and television shows. For some reason though, she does not dance in the car when the music is on.

Kendall now has four teeth (two on the top and two on the bottom) and has started to eat bits and pieces of food. So far puffs, mum mums, cheerios and pieces of fruit are about the only things she'll eat, but we're trying more and more everyday. She's a great eater and is inhaling what seems like a ton of food at every sitting. I'm still making some of her food, but honestly, now that I'm working and she's eating so much, it's become really hard to keep up.

I just can't believe how quickly she's turning into a little girl. She has her own distinct personality, and is so easy to read. There's no mistaking when she is upset about something, hungry or tired. She's giving kisses and starting to give hugs, which makes the challenging times a bit easier. She's a happy baby!!

35 Weeks

36 Weeks

38 Weeks

39 Weeks

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