September 18, 2011

School is Cool

We're 3 weeks into the school year, and Kendall is having a blast.  According to her teachers, she's entertaining everyone with her silly side, and charming them with her sweet and loving side.  She's also had a chance to explore the arts through painting and drawing, which is something that we really haven't done much of to date.

I love that we get notes about each day, and that the teachers send an update at the end of each week with information on the activities that took place, what was learned and what books were read.  We also get photos, which is great way to allow us to see just exactly what Kendall does while she's at school.  I love to see her interacting with other kids, and enjoying her time.  She keeps wanting to go back, so I think that she's enjoying herself!


  1. I love that they give you pictures!! Don't you wish you could be a fly on the wall to see what they do all day?!

  2. I do! At least the pictures give me some sort of insight!
