November 1, 2011

AARRRRR...Happy Halloween!!

Halloween 2011 turned out to be a great holiday.  Since Halloween was on a Monday this year, the holiday turned into more of a weekend-long celebration.

We decided a few months ago that Kendall would dress as a pirate for the big night.  I wanted her to dress in a costume that she'd actually wear, and this turned out to be a great pick.  She looked super cute, AND loved her costume and the accessories!

Our holiday weekend started on Friday night with a neighborhood party.  The kids (and some adults) dressed up, we ate, and drank, and enjoyed the haunted house that our neighbor, Roger, created in his yard.  Kendall loved it, and spent most of the night walking back and forth through the maze seeing what tricks or treats she could find.  She found a toy rat and thought it was hilarious to scare people with it!

We spent part of Sunday afternoon carving our pumpkins.

On Monday, Kendall's class celebrated Halloween with a fall pot luck.  She started the day dressed as a kitty, but had too much fun with arts and crafts and had to change before lunchtime.

By the time Halloween eve rolled around, Kendall was ready for some trick or treating.  We had a great time walking around the neighborhood and getting candy.  Kendall was a bit hesitant to walk up to the doors at first, but then she realized that all she had to do was knock on the door, mumble a few words, hold a bag open, and people gave her candy!  Some people even let her choose what she wanted!

Kendall's friend, Gavin, as Yoda

Kendall's friend, Jack, as Darth Vader

I'm so happy that Kendall had such a great time this year.  She enjoyed all of the festivities and loved trick or treating.  Happy Halloween!!

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty pink Pirate! Looks like Kendall had an awesome Halloween weekend!
