March 3, 2010

8 Weeks Old!

I can't believe it, but little Kendall is eight weeks old today. She's growing and changing every day. She's more focused on people and objects, smiles every day, and grabs and holds onto objects with more frequency. She's also keeping her head up pretty consistently and looks around at everything. For some reason she loves the ceiling fans!

Although we don't have our official two month appointment until next week, I have a pretty good idea of her weight because of all of our visits to the doctor for her reflux issues. I'm guessing she currently weighs right around 11 pounds, but I'll post the official stats after next weeks appointment. She has already grown out of most of her newborn and 0-3 month clothes and is into her 3 month outfits. 3-6 month clothes are still a little bit big.

Here's a look at the last month...

5 Weeks Old

6 Weeks Old

7 Weeks Old

8 Weeks Old


  1. I can't believe she's already two months old!! She's so cute!

  2. Yeah - we can comment on here now! She is so cute, Brenna!! I hope her reflux gets better, too. Enjoy!
