May 5, 2010

Our First Visit to the ER

I can't say that this is a happy post filled with pictures and laughs. We had our first visit to the Children's Hospital ER on Saturday, and I have to say it was a pretty miserable experience. 8 hours of my life I'll never have back, but at least we were able to go home knowing that Kendall had been checked out and wasn't in immediate danger.

This all started when I took Kendall to see her pediatrician on Friday afternoon because I was finding blood in her diapers. This had been going on for a few days, and by Friday the amount of blood was substantial enough that I felt she needed to be seen. The pediatrician checked her out and instructed us to take samples in over the weekend thinking she might have an infection of some sort. On Friday night, she had two diapers that were completely filled with blood. I mean totally pink and red. I was scared and called the after hours nurse center who instructed us to go to the Urgent Care associated with our medical group. After we waited there for 3 1/2 hours, the doctor told us that she needed to be seen by a pediatric specialist and sent us to Children's Hospital. We drove on over, and finally at 10:30 p.m. a doctor saw Kendall and ran a few blood tests and a couple of X-rays. She told us everything looked fine, instructed us to follow up with our pediatrician and, hoped "whatever she has just clears itself up!" I don't know about you, but anytime I see blood in a baby's diaper something is wrong. I was frustrated that we didn't get a bit more attention, but hoped she was right.

Fast forward to yesterday and we were back to see the pediatrician. He's ruled out any sort of infection. One might also think it's a dairy allergy, but she's already on a hypo-allergenic formula because of her reflux and the fact that she was quite fussy when I had dairy in my diet and was giving her breast milk. I guess it could be an allergy to the formula, but the pediatrician said he's never seen an allergy to this formula. Has anyone else ever heard of an allergy to Nutramigen?

So, we're off to see a pediatric GI specialist tomorrow. We've already been warned that the doctor may want to scope her, which is something that I really dread. But, I'm also very alarmed at the fact that we're still discovering bloody diapers every time we change her. I don't mind spending days and days at the doctor's office and emergency rooms if someone can tell me what's wrong!


  1. Oh no! I hope everything is OK. I have no advice for you considering I am childless but will be sending you lots of love!

  2. I'm sorry Brenna! Hang in there...I'm sure they'll figure this out. Everything will be OK!

  3. Oh, Brenna! How scary! I hope you get some answers soon and that you can go back to enjoying your sweet baby girl. Keep us posted. And, a belated Happy Birthday!!!!

  4. Poor little Kendall! I hope you guys can get to the bottom of this soon!
