July 20, 2010

I'm Six Months Old!

Kendall is six months old! I know I'm a couple weeks late with this post, but I wanted to wait for her 6 month checkup to post her stats. Truth be told, our printer was also out of ink and I couldn't print her sign. But, we're back on track now!

It's hard to believe that half a year has passed! She has grown and changed so much over that time; it's really amazing to watch. She is now eating solids twice a day, and she likes just about everything she's tried. Sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots and apricots are probably her favorites. Green beans are the only thing that she does not like. She's doing so well that I think we're going to progress to three times a day and some Stage 2 foods starting next week. So far I've been making most of her food, but I don't think that I'm going to be attempting to puree meat.

Kendall is also becoming much more independent. She's spending more and more time playing with her toys on her own. She's now sitting up on her own (with the occasional tumble) and is so much happier now that she can sit in stroller when we out and about, or a highchair in our kitchen at home and when we go out to eat. She now has two teeth, but she's been drooling quite a bit again over the past couple of days, which makes me think that another one might be on it's way.

Kendall is also still growing like crazy. Here are her stats:

Weight: 17 pounds 14 ounces
Height: 27 inches
Head Circumference: 16.75 inches

We squeezed our well visit into another doctor's visit that we already had scheduled, so I don't have the percentages from the doctor's office. But, according to Babycenter, Kendall is between the 75th and 90th percentile for height and weight and the 50th percentile for her head circumference.

I also thought I'd post a few more shots from our photo session. The above picture wasn't her best, but she didn't want to sit still and I had to be quick. Here's how the rest of the shoot went:

At this point I pulled the paper away and there was a piece missing. I guess we can add paper to her list of solids that she's tried!


  1. Cute! She's growing so fast!

  2. Such a cuite pie! I can't believe she is 6 months already!
