September 10, 2010

I'm 8 Months Old!

Kendall turned 8 months old this past Monday! I think I'm going to have to find a new way to secure my sign for these last few months...

My how things have changed in the past month. Kendall is now a very active crawler and pulls up to her knees at any chance she gets. She's also now starting to pull up to a standing position, which makes me very nervous given that 50% of our house is travertine flooring. Now that she's mobile, she's into everything. We've started our babyproofing, but we still have some things to do. She loves the water, both the pool and her baths. Turn the bath water on in her bathroom and she comes crawling and grunting! I've never seen a baby move that fast!

In the past month, Kendall has also started to pick up and eat small bits of food. So far she loves the baby puffs, mum mums and cheerios, but I did give her a few tiny bits of kiwi recently and she ate them. We going to be trying new food over the coming weeks. She's getting plenty to eat though, I recently measured her at 29 inches in length and just over 20 pounds. Very unofficial stats, but she does continue to grow! So does her hair! It's finally growing back in, and it's a very light brown color. Surprisingly, much lighter than the hair she was born with.

Although she really has changed over the past month, a few things do remain the same. She is still chewing on EVERYTHING and drooling constantly, but we haven't yet seen any more teeth. We go through a bib or two a day. She's still a great sleeper, now sleeping about 11 straight hours at night, with two 1 1/2 - 2 hour naps per day. She still wants her dad to put her to bed, and she still thinks Lani is hilarious. Peek a boo is still her favorite game, but it's pretty easy to get her to smile and laugh. She's a happy girl!

1 comment:

  1. She needs to slow down a little bit - testing out the walking already??? I love the new look for the blog by the way.
